Wouldn’t it be cool if one could see through walls? Well, now it is possible! Researchers have created a new device that is able to do just that. This contraption works by using radio tomographic imaging. It identifies mobile objects or people in an area that is encircled by radio transceivers.
In addition, researchers have tested this device by planting twenty-eight radio transceivers of a wireless network around a hall shaped like a square. The transceivers are placed on stands made of plastic pipe that are 4 feet tall. Therefore, the researchers are able to see measurements at a person’s upper-body level. A small spot of color on the computer screen pops up while a person ambles through the hall. How does the spot appear on the computer screen? Outlines are calculated in radio tomographic imaging. Additionally, these outlines are produced when radio waves traverse through an object or person.
However, the device still needs to undergo additional testing. Patwari, a student at the University of Utah, expresses how this technology would be extremely helpful in the case of a hostage or a fire, and, “instead of entering the building first, they would throw dozens of these radios around the building and immediately they would be able to see a computer image showing where people are moving inside the building.” (Live Science). Another beneficial feature of this contraption is that, “they are reusable and you can pick them up afterwards.” (Live Science).
In conclusion, after this device undergoes further testing, it will definitely be beneficial in the future. Wouldn’t you feel safer if your school contained these devices in case of a real fire or attack?
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Want to know more and see the picture? Click on this link.